September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: What’s Life as a Stereotype like? the “Angry Black Woman.”The “Angry Black Woman” stereotype is a pervasive and damaging characterization that plagues the experiences of many black women.Nov 8, 2023Nov 8, 2023
September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: The Hellscape of the Strong Black WomanIn this article we’re going to explore living as a “strong black woman” and those can not live up to the “strong black woman.”Nov 2, 2023Nov 2, 2023
September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: What’s Beyond Racism and Stereotypes for Black Women? Is thisIn navigating the complex landscape of societal expectations and stereotypes, Black women find themselves at the intersection of cultural…Nov 16, 2023Nov 16, 2023
September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: Why Non-American Women Are Popular in Black Female RepresentationRepresentation of black women in the media has long been a topic of discussion, particularly regarding the preference for certain features…Jul 6, 2023Jul 6, 2023
September-Melody McDonaldWe Have No Drama!This summer I declare and decree peace over my life.Jun 22, 2020Jun 22, 2020
September-Melody McDonald11 ways you can work on yourself internally1. Walkthrough your traumaSep 1, 2020Sep 1, 2020
September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: Benjamin Franklin’s “Apology for Printers”The essay by Benjamin Franklin reflects the early battles for press freedom and the enlightenment function of the press as envisioned by…Sep 17, 20201Sep 17, 20201
September-Melody McDonaldA Brief Black Girl’s Perspective on Eurocentric Beauty Standards: African-American and…In Latin america, “mejorar la raza” is a phrase which means to “improve the race”. At first glance, the presumed meaning might mean to…Mar 24, 2023Mar 24, 2023
September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: The Battle for Personal Freedom in ‘Harlem’s Last Dance’Feeling trapped and desiring to be free is one of the most psychologically natural feelings there are. But what happens when the gap…Jun 5, 2023Jun 5, 2023
September-Melody McDonaldA Black Girl’s Perspective: A Letter those Women balancing Motherhood, Business, and Self-Care in…In this letter, we explore the journey of a momprenuer who longs for personal growth while juggling raising her kids.Jun 5, 2023Jun 5, 2023